The Smithsonian Comes to the Pascagoula River Audubon Center
Water shapes our landscapes, lifestyles, economies, and recreation. Human beings are tied to water and cannot live without it.
Water/Ways, an exhibition from the Smithsonian’s Museum on Main Street, explores the relationship between people and water. It explores the centrality of water in our lives including its effect on the environment and climate, its practical role in agriculture and economic planning, and its impact on culture and spirituality. “Water/Ways” is part of Museum on Main Street, a unique collaboration between the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES), state humanities councils across the nation, and local host institutions. To learn more visit
The Pascagoula River Audubon Center is thrilled to host this traveling exhibition from June 2- July 8th, 2018. Along with the national exhibit, explore our kiosks for information, images, and videos about our Pascagoula River Basin; our Moss Point Fine Art Gallery where quilt exhibition "A River in Stitches" will be on diplay; take a boat tour, rent a kayak, do a scavenger hunt, walk and read with our "All the Water in the World" story trail, and more.
Admission for the exhibit is included in our regular admission fee.
How you can help, right now
Support the Center with a donation
Support outdoor education and conservation along the Pascagoula River through a donation.
Volunteer With Us!
We need helpers in the gardens, at the front desk, and with educational programs. Contact us today for more information.